Our webshop is secured with an SSL certificate, so data is only send encrypted.
You can pay with us in different ways: by banc transfer, with IDEAL, VISA , American Express, Paypal, SEPA, Bancontact, KBC/CBC, Belfius, Cartes Bankcaires, Giropay, EPS and Sustainable Fashion Gift Card.
Banc transfer
If you want to place an order at Rianne de Witte manually you can do this by sending an e-mail via info@riannedewitte.com
After you have received confirmation of your order and invoice, you can transfer the amount trough your own bank to the bank account below. As soon as payment has been received your order will be proecessed
IBAN: NL22TRIO0784902496
Attention of: Rianne de Witte
Triodos Bank Netherlands, Utrechtseweg 44, Zip code 3704 HD Zeist
With IDEAL you can pay for online purchases in a trusted, safe and easy way. IDEAL is the system that links directly to your internet banking program with an online purchase. You do not have to registrer, download files or create an account to use Ideal. Ideal is available to consumers who use internet banking at most of the Dutch banks.; ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, Friesland Bank, ING, Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank, SNS Bank, Triodos Bank en Van Lanschot Bankiers. Consumers who do online banking can use iDEAL directly.
Sustainable Fashion Gift Card
The label Rianne de Witte is affiliated with SFGC 'the Sustainable Fashion Gift Card', a wonderful initiative!. You can purcase this sustainable gift voucher on the website www.sustainablefashiongiftcard.nl. If you want to pay with SFGC click on this option during your checkout and you will be asked to enter the unique corresponding code.
Paypal is the safe way to pay online without sharing your data. Link your bank account or credit card and pay in a few clicks.
Sofort banking
Sofort banking is a payment method available in 9 European countries and very popular in Germany. Sofort is based on the principle of a bank transfer. However, you only have to verify the payment, just like with iDEAL. Details such as the amount, description and beneficiary have already been entered. Sofort then carries out the payment.