No Black Friday


No Black Friday

The term refers to the day when retailers would return to profit and their numbers jumped from red to black. In recent years, this first day of the holiday and shopping season has been known for huge discounts, online rock bottom prices and long opening hours. Black Friday is now being so exploited that it is stretched from a day, to a weekend, or even a whole week. When we go into these seemingly good deals and bargains, we are actually agreeing to mindless production at the expense of humanity and our planet. We help retailers get rid of their stocks as long as they are for sale for a grab. Say NO to Black Friday and make your voice heard. The damage of overproduction on our environment is far too big.

Support Fashion Revolution

Rianne de Witte joins the Fashion Revolution initiative and calls for the discount circus tobe abandoned this weekend. The future of fashion lies in conscious and sustainable buying, not in impulse purchases during mass sales. Make your voice heard, think about the future and choose quality over quantity.
Avoid the Black Friday weekend sales and encourage others to do the same. Support Fashion Revolution in the fight against dumping prices that only lead to overconsumption and mountains of waste.

Say No!

Donate here if you want to support Fashion Revolution with their actions.